PSX-SCENE Forum Discussion for Sony PlayStation/PsOne/PS2/PS3/PSP ... Posts: 1,278; Downloads: 6; Uploads: 0; Mentioned: 28 Post(s); Tagged: 1 Thread(s). Likes Given: 152. Likes Received: 220. 02-29-2012,10:51 PM. :/ whats the benefit of downgrading from 3.41 to 3.40? when i copy and paste your link that you posted it brings me back to this post, so i have no clue what your on about other than you want to downgrade to 3.40 from 3.41. have you tried FSM.
psp downgrader 3.40
bonjour je souhaiterai remettre ajour ma psp car je souhaiterai y rejouer mais les jeux récent ne fonctionne pas avec cette version merci de m`indiquer la marche a suivre car je ne trouve plus de lien actif sur les tuto merci d& ...
Having trouble with devhook lately? Can`t play that latest game because your emulated firmware is just 3.11? Fret not, here is a step by step guide in achieving that psp ecstasy. First things first. Why do we need to upgrade& ...
I boast a psp report 3.40 I lack headed for lower it headed for a number of firmware everyplace I may possibly put in downloaded athletic competition against.
PSX-SCENE Forum Discussion for Sony PlayStation/PsOne/PS2/PS3/PSP ... Posts: 1,278; Downloads: 6; Uploads: 0; Mentioned: 28 Post(s); Tagged: 1 Thread(s). Likes Given: 152. Likes Received: 220. 02-29-2012,10:51 PM. :/ whats the benefit of downgrading from 3.41 to 3.40? when i copy and paste your link that you posted it brings me back to this post, so i have no clue what your on about other than you want to downgrade to 3.40 from 3.41. have you tried FSM.
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