One of your personal goals must be to live to be 80 or 90 years old, so that you can enjoy the most that life has to give for the very longest possible time.
setting personal goals
Learn how to set and achieve your personal goals and improve your goal setting with these free goal setting tips and techniques. Includes a video.
Max Scherzer could have went 20-1 had the Detroit Tigers won last night. They didn`t. He didn`t. Does it really matter?
From the dog days of summeRun1r, to the last days of summer - we could all use motivation at some point. My friend is always blowing me away with her dedication to personal goals. Race or no race, she sets a monthly& ...
One of your personal goals must be to live to be 80 or 90 years old, so that you can enjoy the most that life has to give for the very longest possible time.
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